봇치 더 수능 ! [834542] · MS 2018 · 쪽지

2023-05-29 13:22:43
조회수 1,837

개인적인 복습 지문 pick (161132)

게시글 주소: https://iu.orbi.kr/00063137560

 Some distinctions between good and bad are hardwired

into our biology. Infants enter the world ready

to respond to pain as bad and to sweet (up to a point)

as good. In many situations, however, the boundary

between good and bad is a reference point that changes

over time and depends on the immediate circumstances.

Imagine that you are out in the country on a cold night,

inadequately dressed for the pouring rain, your clothes

soaked. A stinging cold wind completes your misery.

As you wander around, you find a large rock that

provides some shelter from the fury of the elements.

The biologist Michel Cabanac would call the experience

of that moment intensely pleasurable because it

functions, as pleasure normally does, to indicate the

direction of a biologically significant improvement of

circumstancesThe pleasant relief will not last very

long, of course, and you will soon be shivering

behind the rock again, driven by your renewed

suffering to seek better shelter. [3점] * shiver: 떨다

출처: 2016학년도 수능 영어 32번 문항

rare-아르세우스 rare-이더리움 rare-DESCENTE rare-비트코인

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