[영어] 14. 주제
게시글 주소: https://iu.orbi.kr/0005150036
People are more inclined to fall ill if they firmly believe they are than if they assert their health is in great condition. The same applies for living things that we believe do not have 'feelings'. Professor Ben Carson did an experiment to prove this: he produced two genetically identixal plants (that were artificially made by breaking a single gene into two) and laudated one plant and harrassed the other. The result was somewhat obvious but surprising: the complimented plant grew beautifully and blossomed large, healthy flowers whereas the denied plant hardly grew and even withered some leaves. Whether this experiment was biased or not still stands as a query to this day but as similar experiments can be reproduced, it is true, even though there isn't scientific evidence to fully prove.
.1. The importance of accurate experiments
.2. The power of words
.3. The influence of genes
.4. The scarceness of scientific evidence
.5. The belief of some people
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