물리짱 [1261406] · MS 2023 · 쪽지

2023-10-20 18:44:37
조회수 1,579

영어문제 질문입니다

게시글 주소: https://iu.orbi.kr/00064808041

영어문제 풀어주세요

be a specific spot on a river가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한것은?
We like to eat. And there are many kinds of engaging foods around us. So, we can eat everything as long as our stomach allows. It seems that so-called Cockaigne is realizing. But we must remember the truth that "we cannot be a specific spot on a river." Once a very popular social eating broadcaster Banzz said numerous workouts would be necessary if you ate many cuisines which your body can't handle. We may feel happiness on the very moment when you cram many foods which lie in front of your eyes into your mouth, but don't forget: after the luxury feast, you have to take responsibility for the deed. We have to concern the calories the food has, eating the food happily. So, do you think that westerners' dream has unfolded? Not yet. In my opinion, the dream isn't unfolding right now and may realize only after the Earth ends.
1. force our stomach to digest all the foods we eat
2. conform Mother nature's providence
3. exercise hard after eating all the cuisines
4. be a rock which interrupts current of the river
5. maintain our status quo even if the foods we eat have high-calories

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