fhwm9160 [300091] · MS 2009 · 쪽지

2011-10-14 01:39:14
조회수 1,621

김기훈리딩스킬적용 이문제 안돼는 건가요??

게시글 주소: https://iu.orbi.kr/0001856269

수능완성 유형편 2번이예요 p28 2번

Transforming leaders have clear vision of the future state of their organizations.
It is an image of an attractive, realistic, and believable future.
The vision touches the experiences of followers and pulls them into supporting the organization.
When an organization has a clear vision, it is easier for people within the organization to learn how they fit in with
the overall direction of the organization. It empowers them because they feel they are a significant dimension of a worthwhile
enterpise. To be successful, the vision has to grow out of the needs of the entire organization and be claimed by those
within it. Although leaders play a large role in articulating the vision,  the emergence of the vision____________________.

1. is often inspired by their past failures
2. depends on not its creativity but its feasibility
3.originates from both the leaders and the followes
4.does not necessarily guarantee their success at work
5.leads to considerable conflicts and stresses for followers

다읽어서 답 맞추기에는 시간이 너무 부족한데
이문제 리딩스킬 적용안돼는것같규...ㅠㅠㅠ
어떡해야될지 모르겟써요

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  1. 유익한 글을 읽었다면 작성자에게 XDK를 선물하세요.

  • J.Hernandez · 384857 · 11/10/14 15:00 · MS 2011

    리딩스킬 ㅋ

  • 쓸쓸한독학 · 361999 · 11/10/14 17:19

    리딩스킬안되면 굳이적용안하시는게좋아요..

    제가 작년에 리딩스킬은아니지만 언어에서 언어의기술을했는데요 체화 적용 이런거에 몰입(?) obssesses(?)단어가기억이안나서.
    되면 오히려손해입니다

    올해같은경우는 외국어는 ebs로 기본문제잡으시는게중요할테니깐 지금체화,적용시키려고하진마시고
    최대한 ebs문제많이보시는게나을듯싶어요

  • fhwm9160 · 300091 · 11/10/14 23:02 · MS 2009
